Monday, 6 May 2013

Peter Spoke about Bikes In Birmingham

Peter with his Colnago Asso

Where has your bike taken you today?
Today my bike has taken me on my usual journey to work, from Harborne to Birmingham City Centre, and then out to the South of the city to collect my daughters car.

Tell me about your bike, where you got it and how long you have owned it?
This is my best bike. Proper cyclists have lots of bikes.  This is my best bike because my usual commuting bike is up in Yorkshire being enamel painted .  

Why do you ride a bike?
I choose to ride for fitness. It's also good for the environment, its quicker than any other way of getting into town, its cheaper and all round it seems like a better way of transportation.

What is your favorite place to cycle around Birmingham and the West Midlands?
Anywhere that gets me out of Birmingham really, because Birmingham is rubbish to cycle in.

What is your most regular commute in Birmingham?
From Harborne, using various roads, but definitely not on the Hagley Road as that is dreadful.

How do you think that Birmingham could improve the cycling infrastructure to be more user friendly to cyclists?
Almost anything Birmingham did  would  make it better than it is now because at the moment it is rubbish.  I have cycled in Denmark & Holland and there they treated cyclists properly and made proper provision for cyclists.
I think that everyone that drives to work should have cycle to work for a month and then people would more keen to improve cycling facilities.
 I would also like to challenge our city councilors to cycle into the City Centre in the rush hour for a week. That will teach them how good the cycling provision is in Birmingham.

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